Playwright, Poet, Author, Artist, Editor, Writing Tutor
A Scottish Tale by Marilyn (Cameron) Reid for Theatre in Education Tour One Act
A Few Spirits of Forfar by Marilyn (Cameron) Reid for Youth Theatre One Act
Hats! A Revue Show by Marilyn (Cameron) Reid for Youth Theatre Two Acts
It's in the Bag. A farcical comedy by Marilyn (Cameron) Reid, Dundee Arts Centre Playwrights Festival One Act
Butterflies and Webs. A drama documentary commissioned by Amnesty International by Marilyn (Cameron) Reid. Adult touring play. Two Acts.
The Hillwalkers, a drama commissioned by Dundee Rape Crisis for Women's International Festival tour. by Marilyn (Cameron) Reid One Act
Cool Cat '66. Issue based drama dealing with bereavement for Youth Theatre, for Dundee Rep's New Faces Festival. One Act
Seen from the Law. A One Act Play Dundee Arts Centre. by Marilyn Reid
Once Upon a Night. A One Act Play for a Youth Community Project, (adult and Youth actors) by Marilyn Reid
The Irish Acre. A One Act Play for Adults, by Marilyn Reid
The Gentle Radical, by Marilyn Reid. Screenplay.
Here You Go! Radio Play by Marilyn Reid
... and many others.